Thursday, July 28, 2005

Why Kenyon?

So, Kenyon College in Gambier, OH marks the beginning of my Facebook PR campaign. It's not much of a campaign, since I don't have a lot of resources available for it cough poor college student cough. But Kenyon is close to my heart for a few reasons. First, I almost went there- spent an overnight there and loved it, but decided to stay on the East Coast for college. Also, a good friend of mine goes there, and she sometimes asks me why I didn't go. (I rarely have a good answer for her.) And a lot of my family's from Ohio.

But another, different reason for starting this off with a Facebook announcement at Kenyon, was because of a Facebook group I saw there. "I Waited 5+ Hours To Vote Against That Redneck Jackass and All I Got Was This Lousy Facebook Group." I'll be honest, that's pretty awesome. A lot of us went through this election voting in solid blue (or, to be fair, solid red) states, and just felt helpless the whole time. The liberal population at Kenyon registered to help swing Ohio blue, and waited up to 11 hours to vote. Even though it was ultimately unsuccessful, they did a hell of a lot more for Kerry on Election Day than I did.

Anyway, that's why I bought an ad on the Kenyon Facebook. If this is your first visit, let me know what you think.

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