Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Holding My Breath

It's 8:05pm EST and I'm pacing around my apartment, alone and more than a little bit worried about what Bush is going to say on TV in 55 minutes. It doesn't seem like an impending disaster; so far, the two names that have both been floated, Edith Clement and John Roberts, haven't left enough of a political footprint that anyone is setting off alarm bells on either side of aisle.

I haven't usually advocated "wait-and-see" policies on this blog, which is probably a little irresponsible on my part, but I've never claimed to publish more than opinion on here. But it looks like we don't have much choice on this one. DailyKos mentioned that some of the nominees were essentially a blank slate, and it's tough to figure out which way they're going to swing.

Personally, I think Roberts would be worse news. From what I've read, his stand on abortion has been predictably negative, although Bush would be crazy to appoint someone who wasn't a commited pro-lifer.

This couldn't come at a better time, of course. The news cycle is squarely focused around Rove, and if Bush announces his nominee early, the heat comes off the White House and onto the Democratic opposition to his nominee. Doesn't matter if he nominates Hilary Clinton, Alberto Gonzalez or the man in the moon. Suddenly, the Rove issue takes a backseat to the Confirmation Hearings.

Slick move. Now let's just see who he picks.

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